About the etfSA Retirement Annuity Fund
The etfSA Retirement Annuity Fund is registered with the Financial Services Board (FSB) under the Pension Fund Act 24 of 1956. It is a completely independent Fund, managed by a Board of Trustees.
etfSA RA Fund Trustees
Name  Experience Status
Corné du Toit
  • 25 years experience in the insurance and investment industry.
  • Licensed Financial Services Provider.
Independent (Chairman)
Ngoni Gwatidzo
  • 30 years experience in investment management.
  • Certified Financial Planner.
Dr Paul Johl
  • Ex-Prof of Investments (University of Johannesburg
  • He has 20 years experience in financial markets, including the Pension Fund industry.
Daniel Clifford
  • Over 25 years experience in Pension Fund administration and management.
Nerina Visser
  • 25 years experience in the asset management industry.
  • Licensed Financial Services Provider.
Investment Manager
Mike Brown
  • 40 years experience in financial markets.
  • Economist, Stockbroker.
  • Licensed Financial Services Provider.
Principal Officer
The Board of Trustees provide investors, either directly or through their appointed financial advisors, the opportunity to invest in a series of RA Funds. Each RA Fund invests only in low cost, transparent index tracking Exchange Traded Products.

The etfSA RA Funds are designed to meet the purposes and requirements of the new age Retirement Fund Reform in South Africa.

  • Constructed from index tracking ETPs to create portfolios covering all asset classes, with the allocations published on a monthly basis. The portfolios are Regulation 28 compliant at all times.
  • Fixed costs include portfolio management, transaction, client administration and benefit fees, are 0,85% per annum. In addition, there are marginal variable costs picked up by the members of the fund which cannot be determined in advance.
  • The values of the etfSA RA portfolios are published on a daily basis, so investors are always aware of the full value of their retirement savings.
  • Contributions to the RA Fund can be lump sums or recurring debit orders. Additional investments can be made at any time. There are no penalties for changing or stopping your contributions.
  • Retirement savings can be transferred to the etfSA RA Funds from other pension funds under Section 14 of the Pension Funds Act, or out of the etfSA RA Fund to other Pension Funds.