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CORESHARES INDEX TRACKER MANAGERS (RF) PROPRIETARY LIMITED - Second ballot voting procedure to amend the investment policy of PTXTEN and the amalgamation of PTXSPY with PTXTEN12 Aug 2019
PTXTEN PTXSPY 201908120030A
Second ballot voting procedure to amend the investment policy of PTXTEN and the amalgamation of PTXSPY with PTXTEN

CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited
CoreShares PropTrax 10 ETF
Share code: PTXTEN
ISIN: ZAE000155362

CoreShares PropTrax SAPY ETF
Share code: PTXSPY
ISIN: ZAE000101911

A portfolio in the CoreShares Index Tracker Collective Investment Scheme registered as such in terms
of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002, managed by CoreShares Index Tracker
Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited ("CoreShares").


Investors are referred to the announcements released on SENS on 17 May 2019 regarding the ballot
voting procedures in respect of the amendment of the investment policy of the PTXTEN and the
amalgamation of the PTXSPY AND PTXTEN are advised that the audited results of the voting ballot
procedures were as follows:

1. Summary of Votes: Amendment to investment policy of PTXTEN

                                  Total        Total        Responses in           Responses
                                  responses    received     favour of the          against the
                                  not                       amendment to           amendment to
                    Total units   received                  Investment policy      Investment policy
                                                            of PTXTEN              of PTXTEN

    Units     per   16 739 868    14 233 250   2 506 618         2 384 729               121 889
    register (#)

    % of total        100%         85.03%       14.97%
    %        of                                                   95.14%                  4.86%

CoreShares is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (formerly the Financial Services
Board). In terms of Section 98(2) of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act of 2002 and clause
67 of the Main Deed of the Scheme, investor consent is required to effect the proposed amendment,
which allow for the following:

•      Investors holding no less than 25% in value of the total number of participatory investors in the
       Portfolio, excluding CoreShares, must respond to the ballot voting request, for it to be successful
       (Clause 67.1 of Main Deed).
•      If the majority of those who have responded to the ballot, have voted in favour, then the amendment
       will be successful.
•      Where less than 25% of investors respond, a second ballot must be conducted where only the
       majority result of those who have responded, will determine whether the amendment will be
       successful or not i.e. 25% quorum is not required (Clause 67.3 of Main Deed).

Less than 25% of the total number of participatory investors in the portfolio responded to the
first ballot request, therefore the ballot voting procedure was not successful and a second ballot
voting procedure will be conducted as set out in Page 4 below.

2. Summary of Votes: Amalgamation - PTXTEN Ballot

                                  Total        Total       Responses in       Responses
                                  responses    received    favour of the      against the
                                  not                      amalgamation of    amalgamation of
                    Total units   received                 the CoreShares     the CoreShares
                                                           Property SAPY      Property SAPY
                                                           Exchange Traded    Exchange Traded
                                                           Fund ("PTXSPY")    Fund ("PTXSPY")
                                                           into the           into the
                                                           CoreShares         CoreShares
                                                           Property Top Ten   Property Top Ten
                                                           Exchange Traded    Exchange Traded
                                                           Fund ("PTXTEN")    Fund ("PTXTEN")

    Units     per   16 739 868    13 898 876   2 840 992       2 725 771          115 221
    register (#)

    % of total        100%         83.03%       16.97%
    %        of                                                 95.94%             4.06%

3. Summary of Votes: Amalgamation - PTXTSPY Ballot

                                  Total        Total       Responses in       Responses
                                  responses    received    favour of the      against the
                                  not                      amalgamation of    amalgamation of
                    Total units   received                 the CoreShares     the CoreShares
                                                           Property SAPY      Property SAPY
                                                           Exchange Traded    Exchange Traded
                                                           Fund ("PTXSPY")    Fund ("PTXSPY")
                                                           into the           into the
                                                           CoreShares         CoreShares
                                                           Property Top Ten   Property Top Ten
                                                           Exchange Traded    Exchange Traded
                                                           Fund ("PTXTEN")    Fund ("PTXTEN")

    Units     per    3 027 799     2 868 016    159 783         148 441            11 342
    register (#)

    % of total        100%         94.72%       5.28%
    %        of                                                 92.90%             7.10%

In terms of section 99 of the Act, the ballot will be valid if the majority of investors, excluding the
manager, vote in favour of the amalgamation. Absence of a response will be regarded as a vote in
favour of the amalgamation.

4. Summary of overall results

    Investors PTXSPY and PTXTEN have provided consent for the amalgamation of the two portfolios
    however, investors holding less than 25% in value of the total number of participatory investors in
    PTXTEN responded to the ballot to amend the investment policy of PTXTEN which then requires
    a second ballot to be conducted where only the majority result of those who have responded, will
    determine whether the amendment will be successful or not i.e. 25% quorum is not required (Clause
    67.3 of Main Deed) as stated in Paragraph 1 above.

    Please note that although the ballot for the amalgamation of the PTXSPY and PTXTEN succeeded,
    the amalgamation will only will only be effective in the event that the second ballot to amend the
    investment policy of PTXTEN is successful and regulatory approval obtained from the FSCA.


Action required

    1.    Please complete the enclosed Ballot Form as it relates to you and return it to our registered Auditors;
          Deloitte and Touche before close of business on 25 September 2019. You may email to

    2.    If you have disposed of your participatory interests in the portfolio, no action is required.


  1. Introduction
         Listed property (Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) and other Property Companies)
         fulfil a useful function within a balanced portfolio. This is because the asset class is somewhat
         of a hybrid between equity and fixed income with characteristics of both. Property securities
         provide for a growing income stream through time. Accordingly, from a diversification and
         correlation perspective they provide for a useful allocation within client portfolios.

         South Africa has a growing and sophisticated listed property sector both in terms of the size of
         the market but also in terms of the number of funds offering exposure to this segment.
         CoreShares has two index funds (ETFs); the CoreShares Property Top Ten Exchange Traded
         Fund ("PTXTEN") and Coreshares Property SAPY Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXSPY") within
         this asset class. It is our intention to amalgamate these funds and restructure the index which
         the remaining single fund will track. The reasons for this are two-fold:

            I.    CoreShares manages two ETFs which, by index fund standards, are sub scale
                  (R160mln & R266mln). By combining these funds, we are able to run a larger product
                  and provide better economies of scale. This will allow us to reduce the management
                  fee of the remaining product. Furthermore, the local listed property sector (whilst at a
                  decent size) does not warrant two ETF products within the asset class.

           II.    The new index (South African Property Income Index) (referred to in paragraph 1
                  above) has been constructed with the ‘use case' or ‘outcome' of listed property front of
                  mind - chiefly to achieve a high, reliable, growing income stream without taking on
                  undue risks as opposed to more simplistic market cap or equal weighted indexes.

   A property ETF that is focused on a yield outcome should resonate well with investors who
   widely use the asset class for this very purpose. This creates a more investor centric
2. A summary of our existing property offerings and impact of proposed changes
   Below we provide an overview of our two existing property ETFs, the CoreShares Property Top
   Ten Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXTEN") and CoreShares Property SAPY Exchange Traded
   Fund ("PTXSPY") and also highlight the impact of the proposed changes on the current
   investment policies of the ETFs under the heading "List of Similarities and Differences".

       I.   CoreShares Property Top Ten Exchange Traded Fund (R266m AUM)

            Initially launched in 2011, "the investment policy of the portfolio is to track the
            FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Top 10 Equal Index (a custom index calculated
            independently by FTSE/JSE) as closely as possible, by buying only constituent
            securities in the same weightings in which they are included in the Index and selling
            only securities which are excluded from the Index from time to time as a result of
            quarterly Index reviews or corporate actions...".

            This index consists of the top ten companies, as measured by investable market
            capitalisation in the FTSE/JSE SAPY Index and are held in equal weightings of 10.0%
            each (as at each quarterly rebalance date).

            The product provides simple exposure to the largest primary listed property shares on
            the JSE. While it has a beta/size focus, its exposure/objective is more closely defined
            as an equally-weighted factor. The challenge with single factor strategies is their
            susceptibility to lumpy performance outcomes, giving investors a volatile experience of
            the risk asset class.

            Accordingly, a yield focused property ETF which has been aligned to the client need
            should be more suitable than a simple equal weighted proposition.

            We are therefore embarking on this process to obtain your approval to change the
            investment policy of the PTXTEN to track the South African Property Income Index. In
            the event that this ballot is approved/successful the name of the CoreShares Property
            Top Ten Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXTEN") will be changed to CoreShares South
            African Property Income Exchange Traded Fund ("CSPROP") in order to reflect the
            new index it will be tracking.

            We will also reduce the management fee from 0.425% p.a. to 0.35% p.a.

     II.   CoreShares Property SAPY Exchange Traded Fund (R160m AUM)
           Initially launched in 2007, the "investment policy of the portfolio is to track the
           FTSE/JSE SAPY Index as closely as possible, by buying only constituent securities in
           the same weightings in which they are included in the Index and selling only securities
           which are excluded from the Index from time to time as a result of quarterly Index
           reviews or corporate actions...".

           This product simple vanilla index exposure to the listed property market in South Africa,
           with an average of 20 shares listed by their market capitalisation. The index it tracks is
           limited to the 20 largest property counters that have a primary listing on the JSE. As
           the market has grown, the parameters of this index have become more onerous with
           time. For instance, the South African property market has become more global in the
           last decade, but the FTSE/JSE SAPY index has not fully benefited from this
           development. Additionally, the limitation to the 20 largest counters opens itself to a
           scenario where the index becomes less representative of the market as more counters
           are listed in our market (and as these listings begin to gain increasing market share).

           For these primary reasons, CoreShares has embarked on a search for an alternative
           index that would better serve the market.

3. Amalgamating our property fund offerings

   As explained above, we wish to amalgamate the two existing property funds in our range
   (CoreShares Property SAPY Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXSPY" and CoreShares Property
   Top Ten Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXTEN") to meet the outcomes-based element of our
   product development framework.

   The proposed amalgamated portfolio will be tracking the South Africa Property Income Index,
   which is designed to measure the performance of large South African listed property companies
   with an emphasis towards companies with sustainable higher yields. The objective of this
   approach is to provide South African investors with property exposure that has a greater income
   tilt than what is currently available in the market.

   The table below summarises the key characteristics of the two existing property indices which
   are tracked by the CoreShares Property SAPY Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXSPY") and
   CoreShares Property Top Ten Exchange Traded Fund ("PTXTEN") the (FTSE/JSE SAPY
   Index and FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Top 10 Equal Index) respectively. These are
   compared alongside the new South Africa Property Income Index.

                                                  Old                               Proposed New
                         FTSE/JSE SAPY               FTSE/JSE Prop10             SA Property Income

Index provider               FTSE/JSE                      FTSE/JSE                      S&P DJI

Index review                  Quarterly                    Quarterly                 Semi-annually

                                                                                   MCap, Liquidity &
Inclusion criteria        MCap + Liquidity              MCap + Liquidity

                                                                                 Index includes JSE listed
                                                                                     property stocks with
                                                                                      either a primary or
                                                                                  secondary listing on the
                                                                                     JSE (i.e. The index
                          Index includes only        Index includes only JSE       methodology does not
Primary listing           JSE listed property      listed property stocks with      have an exclusionary
requirement              stocks with a primary       a primary listing on the       criteria for JSE listed
                           listing on the JSE                  JSE                property stocks in as far
                                                                                   as their primary and/or
                                                                                   secondary listings are

                                                                                   Market Cap (25%) +
Weighting method             Market Cap                    Market Cap
                                                                                   Average Yield (75%)

                                                                                 1.5x cap on median index
Stock capping                   None                 1/(Number of shares)

Typical # of shares              ~20                           10                     ~ more than 25

Asset class               Domestic Property             Domestic Property           Domestic Property

                           SA Real Estate
ASISA Category                                      SA Real Estate General       SA Real Estate General

Management fee                 0.425%                        0.425%                       0.35%

The key takeaways are as follows:
   I.   The proposed new portfolio has a more defined outcome and more closely meets a
        need in the market for property allocations that have both a growth and income

  II.   The fee structure, asset class and ASISA categories are similar across all three indices,
        therefore placing the investor on the same footing on these features.

 III.   The proposed new index is structurally more diversified. This is because it considers
        both local and global primary listings on the JSE. Additionally, its stock count is typically

 IV.    The management fee will decrease to 0.35%.

4. Objectives of the "new" amended portfolio (CoreShares South African Property Income
   Exchange Traded Fund).

       •   The investment objective of the portfolio aims to provide investors with a return that
           tracks the price and yield performance of the South Africa Property Income Index.
       •   The index is rebalanced semi-annually, with all securities having a minimum market
           cap of R2 billion at the time of inclusion.
       •   Where there is point-in-time illiquidity for particular shares, the portfolio will endeavour
           to track the index as closely as possible, using sampling techniques where necessary.
           Where sampling is used, this will be implemented through physical replication.

5. Key characteristics of the "new" amended portfolio (CoreShares South African Property
   Income Exchange Traded Fund).

       •   The investment policy of the portfolio shall be to track the South Africa Property Income
           Index as closely as possible, by buying only constituent securities in the same
           weightings in which they are included in the Index and selling only securities which are
           excluded from the Index from time to time as a result of Index reviews or corporate
           actions. As a further objective, the policy shall also be to manage the securities held
           by the portfolio to generate income for the benefit of investors.
       •   Constrained within South African listed property shares. The index has minimum
           market cap and liquidity criterion (for invest-ability) and the shares are ranked by both
           yield (income) and market capitalisation (size).
       •   Quarterly distribution in March, June, September and December.
       •   The fund will sit in the (ASISA) South African Real Estate General category.

     The changes to the Portfolios are summarised as follows:

     The impact of list of similarities and differences

EXISTING                                                                                                   PROPOSED

                                                                                                 (Proposed effective date:

                                                                                                       30 October 2019)

                         TRADED FUND                                                     INCOME EXCHANGE TRADED FUND

                PORTFOLIO BENCHMARK:                                                            PORTFOLIO BENCHMARK:

    FTSE/JSE SA LISTED PROPERTY TOP TEN                                                                SOUTH AFRICAN
                 EQUAL WEIGHTED INDEX
                                                                                                PROPERTY INCOME INDEX

                   INVESTMENT POLICY:                                                              INVESTMENT POLICY:

The investment policy of the portfolio shall be to-Track the Index as           The investment policy of the portfolio shall be to track the South
closely as reasonably possible by, to the fullest extent possible –             African Property Income Index as closely as possible, by buying
                                                                                only constituent securities in the same weightings in which they are
buying only securities include in the Index in the weightings in which          included in the Index and selling only securities which are excluded
they have been included in the Index; and selling only securities               from the Index from time to time as a result of Index reviews or
which are excluded from the Index from time to time as a result of              corporate actions, so as to ensure that at all times the portfolio
the quarterly Index reviews or corporate actions, so as to ensure               holds securities included in the Index in the same weightings as
that at all times the portfolio holds securities included in the Index in       they are included in the Index; and
the same weightings as they are included in the Index; and

As a further objective, to manage the securities held by the portfolio          As a further objective, the policy shall also be to manage the
to generate income for the benefit of investors.                                securities held by the portfolio to generate income for the benefit of

The portfolio shall not buy or sell securities for the purpose of
making a profit nor for any purpose other than tracking the Index.              The portfolio shall not buy or sell securities for the purpose of making
                                                                                a profit nor for any purpose other than tracking the Index.

Investors may obtain participatory interests in the portfolio on the
secondary market or by subscribing for new participatory interests              Investors may obtain participatory interests in the portfolio on the
in the portfolio on the primary market. In order to achieve this object         secondary market or by subscribing for new participatory interests
the manager may, subject to the Act and the Deed, create and issue              in the portfolio on the primary market. In order to achieve this object
an unlimited number of participatory interests in the portfolio.                the manager may, subject to the Act and the Deed, create and issue
                                                                                an unlimited number of participatory interests in the portfolio.

The portfolio will be passively managed in that the manager will not          The portfolio will be passively managed in that the manager will not
buy and sell securities based on economic, financial and /or market           buy and sell securities based on economic, financial and /or market
analysis but rather, will buy and sell securities solely for the purpose      analysis but rather, will buy and sell securities solely for the purpose
of ensuring that the portfolio tracks the Index. As such the                  of ensuring that the portfolio tracks the Index. As such the
investment objective and style of the portfolio will be full replication      investment objective and style of the portfolio will be full replication
of the Index. Accordingly the financial or other condition of any             of the Index. Accordingly the financial or other condition of any
company or entity included from time to time in the Index will not            company or entity included from time to time in the Index will not
result in the elimination of its securities from the portfolio, unless the    result in the elimination of its securities from the portfolio, unless the
securities of such company or entity are removed from the Index               securities of such company or entity are removed from the Index
itself.                                                                       itself.

The composition of the portfolio will be adjusted quarterly to conform        The composition of the portfolio will be adjusted quarterly to conform
with changes in the composition of the Index.                                 with changes in the composition of the Index.

The portfolio shall hold securities purely for the economic rights and        The portfolio shall hold securities purely for the economic rights and
benefits attaching thereto and, accordingly, if there is any takeover         benefits attaching thereto and, accordingly, if there is any takeover
bid other corporate action occurs in relation to any entity the               bid other corporate action occurs in relation to any entity the
securities of which are included in the portfolio, the portfolio shall        securities of which are included in the portfolio, the portfolio shall not
not surrender any securities held by the portfolio which may be               surrender any securities held by the portfolio which may be subject
subject to such takeover bid or other corporate action, unless such           to such takeover bid or other corporate action, unless such
surrender is mandatory (and then only to the extent of such                   surrender is mandatory (and then only to the extent of such
mandatory surrender) in terms of any applicable law or under the              mandatory surrender) in terms of any applicable law or under the
rules of a regulatory authority or body having jurisdiction over the          rules of a regulatory authority or body having jurisdiction over the
portfolio and / or the applicable securities. However, if any such            portfolio and / or the applicable securities. However, if any such
takeover bid or corporate action results in an entity previously              takeover bid or corporate action results in an entity previously
included in the Index no longer qualifying for inclusion in the Index,        included in the Index no longer qualifying for inclusion in the Index,
any securities in such entity held by the portfolio, shall be disposed        any securities in such entity held by the portfolio, shall be disposed
of by the portfolio and the proceeds derived from such disposal shall         of by the portfolio and the proceeds derived from such disposal shall
be in applied in effecting the appropriate adjustments to the portfolio       be in applied in effecting the appropriate adjustments to the portfolio
so as to ensure same tracks the Index.                                        so as to ensure same tracks the Index.

Assets in liquid form will form a minor part of the portfolio's assets.       Assets in liquid form will form a minor part of the portfolio's assets.

The portfolio's ability to replicate the price and yield performance of       The portfolio's ability to replicate the price and yield performance of
the Index shll be affected by the costs and expenses incurred by the          the Index shall be affected by the costs and expenses incurred by
portfolio.                                                                    the portfolio.

                            CHARGES:                                                                      CHARGES:

                    Management fee: 0.425% p.a.                                                    Management fee: 0.35% p.a.

          DISTRIBUTION:                                               DISTRIBUTION:

    March, June, September, December                            March, June, September, December

          REBALANCING:                                                REBALANCING:

               Quarterly                                                 semi-annually

6. Second Ballot voting procedure and Implementation of the Amendments:

   CoreShares is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority. In terms of Section 98(2)
   of Collective Investment Schemes Control Act of 2002 and clause 67.3 of the Main Deed of the
   Scheme, which stipulates that if investors holding less than 25% in value of the total number of
   participatory interests in a portfolio responded to the first ballot in accordance with clause with
   clause 67.1 of the Main Deed (as is the case with the first ballot that was conducted), then a
   second ballot must be conducted where only the majority result of those investors who have
   responded, will determine whether the amendment will be successful or not i.e. 25% quorum is
   not required (Clause 67.3 of Main Deed).

7. Action required by investors

   7.1      Existing unit holders are requested to notify their JSE Brokers/ CSDPs in writing by no
            later than Monday, 23 September 2019, as to whether they approve the Amendments
            as set out in this announcement or not;
   7.2      The various Brokers/CSDPs will then submit the ballot responses to CoreShares'
            registered Auditors, Deloitte and Touché, before close of business on Wednesday, 25
            September 2019;
   7.3      If you have disposed of your participatory interests in the portfolio, no action is required.

8. Approval and Commencements

   Approval for the amendments was granted by the JSE on 17 May 2019.

   Subject to the ballot voting procedure being successful and approval by the Authority, the
   amendments will be with effective from commencement of business on 30 October 2019.
   Copies of the CoreShares South African Property Income ETF Pricing Supplement, in English,
   may be obtained during normal business hours from the office of the local manager,
   CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited, located at Grindrod Tower, 4th
   Floor, 8a Protea Place, Sandton, 2096 and is available on the website:

Salient dates in respect of the Amendments are set out below:

 Expected timeline for the implementation of the Amendments                                           2019

 Declaration date announcement of approval of the Amendments                             Monday, 12 August

 Last day of investors to respond to their JSE brokers/ CSDPs on                       Monday, 23 September
 whether they approve the Amendments as set out in this supplement
 or not

 Last day of investors/ their JSE brokers/ CSDPs to return/respond to               Wednesday, 25 September
 the Auditors on whether they approve the Amendments as set out in
 this supplement or not

 Deadline for Auditors to submit the findings report to Coreshares                    Wednesday, 02 October

 CoreShares to submit the Auditor's findings report to FSCA                           Wednesday, 09 October

 Results of second ballot and finalisation data announcement                           Thursday, 10 October
 FSCA to advise CoreShares to submit signed supplemental deeds                        Wednesday, 16 October
 for approval

 Last Day to Trade in the CoreShares PropTrax Ten and CoreShares                        Tuesday, 29 October
 PropTrax SAPY ETFs

 Suspension of trading of CoreShares PropTrax Ten and CoreShares                      Wednesday, 30 October
 PropTrax SAPY ETFs on the JSE
 Commencement of trading in the CoreShares SAProp Income ETF                          Wednesday, 30 October
 on the JSE (New ISIN: ZAE000273165; Share Code:CSPROP)

 Record date                                                                             Friday, 1 November

 Accounts of dematerialised securities holders updated at their                          Monday, 4 November
 CSDPs or brokers
 Termination of trading of CoreShares PropTrax Ten and CoreShares                       Tuesday, 5 November
 PropTrax SAPY ETFs on the JSE

Note: Any changes to the expected dates above will be announced on SENS.

9. Notice and restrictions

   CoreShares South African Property Income ETF participatory interests are not in any way
   sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the JSE or S&P Dow Jones Indices ("S&P") and
   none of these parties makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, expressly or implied,
   either as to the basis of calculation of, or as to the results to be obtained from the use of the
   South Africa Property Income Index and/or the value at which the said Index stands at any
   particular time on any particular day or otherwise. The Index is compiled and calculated on
   behalf of and on the instructions of CITM by S&P. However, S&P shall not be liable (whether
   in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the index and S&P shall not be under
   any obligation to advise any person of any error therein.

   The securities being issued pursuant to this announcement are not eligible for sale in the United
   States or in any other jurisdiction in which trading in the securities would be illegal. The
   securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as
   amended, and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission under the U.S. Commodity
   Exchange Act has not approved trading in the securities. The securities may not be offered,
   sold or delivered within the United States or to U.S. persons, nor may any U.S. person at any
   time trade or maintain a position in the securities.

Should you require any further assistance please send an email to

12 August 2019

Corporate advisor and sponsor:           Grindrod Bank Limited
Trustee:                                 Société Générale


Date: 12/08/2019 11:00:00
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